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Upcoming services

This page was last updated on 8 September - check back for updates.

You will find listed here the opportunities for you to come to church to worship in the coming weeks.


The preaching plan from September to the end of November is here.


Click on these links to get in touch with us, or to find out how to get here, or to find out what happens in church.


The weekly notices are here.


Services in the Large Hall


As we did last year, during the cold weather Sunday morning services moved into the Large Hall as part of our response to the unprecedented rise in energy costs (and recently in response to the heating not working properly!). We're now largely worshipping in church again, but we might well move into the Hall again after the Summer. People seem to like it to be honest!


Our beautiful old stone church is a source of pride and pleasure for us, but it is phenomenally expensive to heat. When it's cold, we feel it is better stewardship of the resources God has given to us to gather to worship Him in the newer parts of the building during the winter, which are much more efficient to heat. Services in the hall are just the same as in church.


Wednesday morning services -  every Wednesday morning at 10.30 am there's an opportunity to join us for a short service. Here are the worship leaders for the next few Wednesdays, although we apologise in advance if there are last minute changes:


11 September service led by Diana Bosman

18 September service led by Revd Nick Jones, including Holy Communion

25 September service led by Bob Dauncey

2 October service led by Diana Bosman

9 October service led by Sue Hayden


Sunday morning services 


Here are the worship leaders for upcoming Sunday services, which are generally at 10.30 am. Again, we apologise in advance for any last minute changes:


8 September service led by Jack McGinnigle

15 September service led by Glyn and Angela Constantine

22 September service for harvest led by Lynette Jones with a light lunch afterwards

29 September service led by Revd Nick Jones with Holy Communion

6 October service led by Deacon Marilyn Slowe

13 October service to celebrate our church anniversary led by Revd Howcroft


Stay on top of any changes by subscribing here to the weekly Circuit Bulletin.

Coming to Church? 

If you need information about facilities before you join us you can always contact the office or you might find any questions about facilities and access arrangements answered on the Visit Us page or the What Happens in Church page. Or perhaps the FAQ page might help. And if the FAQs don't answer your question please tell the website editor by clicking here so we can try to help and improve the website for the future.


There is a service every Sunday and Wednesday morning. Regular activities are always busy, such as the Monday afternoon fellowship, Mother and Toddler group on Thursday mornings in school term time, and the weekly Saturday morning drop-in (known to some as the Bacon Butties Fellowship). Consider yourself invited!


There are always refreshments after Sunday morning services. Please stay if you have a few minutes, to share news, make a friend, ask the preacher a question, or treat yourself to one or two more biscuits than you really should eat before lunch.


Our community rooms are also busy. We have hosted some fantastic family parties recently and some great one-off events like exhibitions and concerts, as well as our weekly regulars like the Girlguiding and Scouting groups, dance and music classes, and social and cultural fellowships. For information about hiring the rooms or joining an activity, get in touch with our manager, Peter, through the office or by clicking the Book A Room button at the bottom of the page.

Prayer in the Garden


Don't forget the garden at church. Please take advantage of it if that is convenient for you. It can be a beautiful place to sit peacefully for a while and share a moment with God. The weather is starting to improve, and it's a lovely spot. 


It seems to be very popular with families taking pictures after baptisms and weddings too.


Thank you to everyone who volunteers to keep it tidy. If you'd like to "adopt" a flower bed, get in touch with any of the stewards.

Prayer Line


If you would like someone to pray for you, or with you, or for a particular concern that is on your heart


​email the prayer line at

You can always worship God with us from wherever you are. Find details of online services and other resources on the Worship at Home Page.  

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