What's Happening
This is one of the pages we haven't updated yet so unfortunately it's a bit nostalgic.
We'll be bringing this up to date with information about regular church activities and events but in the meantime get details from the Information Page.
We use this page to let everyone know about upcoming events and dates for your diary.
Like us on Facebook too to make sure you don't miss anything.
Regular Events
Saturday Drop-In - fellowship with food and games
On Saturday mornings between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon drop in for a chat, a cup of tea, perhaps a bacon sandwich in the small hall. There's usually a more healthy breakfast option available too, even though the regulars often refer to this weekly occasion as "Bacon Butties".
Bring a friend, or make one. Catch up on the news. Catch your breath before you go shopping.
Some of those dropping also have a game of table tennis - but that's not obligatory!

Monday Fellowship - weekly friendship and worship
A group meets to share in friendship and worship every Monday afternoon at 2.00.pm and everyone is welcome to join them. There is often a speaker on a topic of general interest (commonly secular), as well as prayers. Meetings end with a cup of tea and a chat, and it's a great place to get to know people. There is a £1.50 charge to cover the expenses. If you would like some encouragement the office can put you in touch with someone from the Fellowship to speak to beforehand, or just come along.

Toddlers Group - Thursday in term time at 9.30 am
The Toddlers group meets on Thursday mornings as an opportunity for carers to get together for company and fellowship whilst the children also make new friends and play together. Get in touch with the office if you would like any details.
Events to watch out for
Events around the Circuit
You are always welcome at events and services at all the churches in our circuit. Click the Circuit logo to visit the Circuit website and you can search for upcoming events by category.
All the churches in the Circuit contribute posts so it's a great way of finding out what's happening.
If you choose the "follow" option on the Circuit website you can receive an email every time something is posted that you might be interested in.